Ronix wakeboards, Liquid Force wakeboards now at

Tubin’ on the TubeLite

Tubin’ on the TubeLite
By cramey on Friday, April 11, 2003 @ 10:43 am
A little something different hit the wakeboarding market this year, in the form of aluminum tubing wrapped around some bullet proof plastic. That's right, this thing can take .44 from 15 feet as well as a run in with a fully loaded semi, BUT, will it hold up to boat use? I guess we’ll just have to find out!

What is the first thing you’ll notice with this new ride? EVERYTHING! Most noticeably there is a supportive metal tube that lines the edges and is riveted to the plastic polymer base. It’s pretty much like nothing you’ve ever seen. If you stand on this board you’ll also notice that it is not nearly as rigid as current model decks. It definitely has some flex and you’ll notice this if you stand on it, or put a little pressure on the ride.

One of the key features on this board is the fact that it is 100% clear. You can see everything you ride over! Now with my local spot being the California Delta, you really can’t see much, however if you were to take this to a place like Tahoe or Lake Shasta, it would be unbelievable. The board also comes with some built in channels that provide some extra grab on the water. The board ships with some 2” fins to keep you locked into your cut, and yet the flexibility of the board still allows you to break the board loose on the wake.

If you are a beginner or just learning some wake to wake jumps, you might want to check this board, however I would wait until some more advanced models come out if you are an advanced rider. Check this board out; it’s definitely worth a look.
Attached: Images & video (1)

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