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The KitR Movement

We at the California Delta have grown tired of the so-called 'show-offs' and 'posers' now congesting our waterways. Everybody knows these people -...
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The KitR Movement. Uploaded by: Garrett. Want more information about this image?

Title: The KitR Movement


We at the California Delta have grown tired of the so-called 'show-offs' and 'posers' now congesting our waterways. Everybody knows these people - they are on every body of water that has wakeboarders. These are the people who try to throw their biggest move in front of you as they pass your boat. Maybe this isn't as big of a problem for you big-lake-boarders, but on the narrow sloughs of the Delta when boats are constantly passing each other, it has gotten out of control. If you are a true wakeboarder you know the sport is not about showing off, so us Paradise Point boys are spreading the Keepin' it Real (KitR) movement: Every time you pass a boat full of fellow boarders, instead of trying to throw your biggest, most bad ass trick, throw a giant fashion air and make yourself look like a goober. Wakeboarding isn't about being a poser, it's about having a good time, and if you're comfortable looking like an idiot, then you understand what wakeboarding is all about. And to you posers on the Delta, we're all wakeboarders and we don't really care what moves you can or can't throw, we care about having a good time and spreading the love. So next time you see a giant fashion air as a boat passes you, show some love and throw one back. Until next time...ride on.

Vitals: Image, 290.6 kB, 1940x1552.

Media Facts: This image was uploaded on Monday, May 20, 2002 @ 10:58 pm. It has been viewed 955 times in May and 1,275 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 11,946 / 20,189.

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