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Anybody up for a ruptured ear drum?

The bigger they are the harder they fall. Dave is 6'4' and threw a very nice tantrum out into the flats, but for some reason decided to let his arm...
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Anybody up for a ruptured ear drum?. Uploaded by: Garrett. Want more information about this image?

Title: Anybody up for a ruptured ear drum?


The bigger they are the harder they fall. Dave is 6'4' and threw a very nice tantrum out into the flats, but for some reason decided to let his arm out towards the end, severly increasing his chances of eating poop. The subsequent meeting between Dave's face and the water cause Dave's eardrum to rupture in two places.

KitR Crash.

Rider: Dave White.

Photo: Garrett Cortese.

Vitals: Image, 39.8 kB, 292x432.

Media Facts: This image was uploaded on Monday, June 10, 2002 @ 1:53 pm. It has been viewed 586 times in May and 1,021 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 11,944 / 20,189.

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