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Kris shifty 3

This was one of the last days for Kris to ride in San Diego before heading home to England so he took advantage of it and went HUGE. Here is his...
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Kris shifty 3. Uploaded by: billagorilla. Want more information about this image?

Title: Kris shifty 3


This was one of the last days for Kris to ride in San Diego before heading home to England so he took advantage of it and went HUGE. Here is his signature shift 3 taken to a new level.

Vitals: Image, 42.6 kB, 600x600.

Media Facts: This image was uploaded on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 @ 4:16 am. It has been viewed 325 times in May and 614 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 2,393 / 20,189.

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