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Off-Axis Trailer

"Off-Axis" is the first full-feature release from NumbSkull Producitons and acclaimed editor Ron Mart. This film features some of the top...

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Off-Axis Trailer. Uploaded by: junior. Want more information about this video?

Title: Off-Axis Trailer


"Off-Axis" is the first full-feature release from NumbSkull Producitons and acclaimed editor Ron Mart. This film features some of the top up and coming riders from the Northwest like Pro Tour vets Ron Cafferky, Philip Combs, Jack Blodgett and Jason Clark as well as National INT champion Mike Cardoza and INT runner-up Nick Cardoza. Some top local amateurs round out the cast. This DVD-only release features some tight audio tracks and is loaded with style.

Available soon at and at

Enjoy the trailer.

Vitals: Video, 8.1 MB, 320x240.

Media Facts: This video was uploaded on Friday, June 04, 2004 @ 12:40 pm. It has been viewed 247 times in March and 4,233 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 2,013 / 20,189.

Tags: None
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