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Official Pendulum Teaser

A new DVD dropping this fall (but could be winter) featuring the waterboarding talents of Adam Errington, Collin Harrington, Steve Edwards, Chris...

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Official Pendulum Teaser. Uploaded by: brinks. Want more information about this video?

Title: Official Pendulum Teaser


A new DVD dropping this fall (but could be winter) featuring the waterboarding talents of Adam Errington, Collin Harrington, Steve Edwards, Chris O'Shea, Jimmy Wolf, Clay Fletcher and Brian Reeder. Also appearences by Rob Jaques, Chris Law, Ben Losch, Julian Cohen, Travis Probst, Nick Valliere and a few others from the Florida region. So keep your eyes open for the newest film from Brett Brinkerhoff entitled "Pendulum" coming to a core shop near you

Vitals: Video, 5.4 MB, 320x240.

Media Facts: This video was uploaded on Thursday, August 16, 2007 @ 11:41 pm. It has been viewed 514 times in March and 1,533 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 351 / 20,189.

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