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Quick and Dirty

From NumbSkull Productions, this is a quickie. We hooked up with 10th Street Riders for a lil chase boat video shoot and I was so jacked on how good...

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Quick and Dirty. Uploaded by: junior. Want more information about this video?

Title: Quick and Dirty


From NumbSkull Productions, this is a quickie. We hooked up with 10th Street Riders for a lil chase boat video shoot and I was so jacked on how good the footage looked I had to throw together a "Quick and Dirty" vid.
Check out Brandon's smoooooooth Hoochie, Ryan's nice Backroll & Tantrum with the sun in the background and my decent 3s and a few nice grab-180s.

The video quality suffers quite a bit here due to file size limitations, this stuff looks fantastic straight off the Digital tape.

Music: "Seether" - Vaaaaaaaahhhhhhruca Salt

Vitals: Video, 11.3 MB, 320x240.

Media Facts: This video was uploaded on Thursday, June 05, 2003 @ 5:29 pm. It has been viewed 115 times in March and 5,083 times since it was first posted. This item is ranked 1,993 / 20,189.

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